All posts by Pastor Curry

When Nothing Is Everything

Principle: “When you have nothing to say, say everything.”

The parsonage in which we lived was, like most, right next to the church. I had a standing rule that when our boys came home from school they could, if I was in my study at the church, stop in and say “Hi.” They often did. Many times it was brief, and they had little to say – except “Hi.” I’m not sure what it meant to them, but I know what it meant to me. They didn’t always need to say much – their presence enriched me and deepened my love for them.
That’s why I think I can at least begin to understand why Jesus likes for us to take the time to be with Him. It took me way too long to figure out that I don’t always have to say much to Him. Sometimes just taking the time to be with him, to say ‘Hi’ is enough. I realize now that I have spent needless hours berating myself. In trying to establish a discipline of regular times to ‘pray’, I would grow frustrated because I felt my prayers were either getting repetitious or empty and that the time was therefore becoming more a duty than a delight. I now realize that it’s not about me, it’s about Jesus. He cherishes my presence and my ‘Hi.’ It enriches Him and deepens His love for me. So it’s okay to say nothing. “When you have nothing to say, say everything.” My boys said everything when they took the time to to check in; and I say everything to Jesus when I take the time to check in.
Perhaps this is what the Psalmist was saying when he wrote, “Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere.” (Ps. 84:10) He had come to realize that just being in God’s presence was sometimes enough. In fact, what could be greater than that? Certainly there were times the Psalmist had plenty to say to God; but there were times when silence was the order of the day – and that was okay. There were times my boys had plenty to say – and oftentimes questions to ask; but there were times when silence said it all. “When you have nothing to say, say everything.”
I am thinking of all the wonderful moments of love I would have missed if my sons had only come in when they had something they wanted to say or ask. In fact, I realize now that without the moments of the simple “Hi”, I might well have begun to feel like I was needed and wanted only when they needed something or someone to talk to. But because they did come in when they had nothing to say , they said it all. “I love you.” And that meant the world to me and deepened my love for them. “When you have nothing to say, say everything.”
So I am working on being okay with spending moments with Jesus when I have little, if anything, to say. (And believe me – it’s tough for a preacher not to say anything!) I realize how important it is that when I have nothing to say I must say everything. And taking the time to touch base with Jesus, to spend a moment in His presence, says it all. And you know what else? I’m finding out that it not only deepens Jesus’ love for me – it deepens my love for Him! Maybe, just maybe, one of these days I will actually spend one day in His presence, with nothing – yet everything – to say.
Is it time for you to start stopping in to say nothing – but everything – to Jesus? “When you have nothing to say, say everything.”

Big Randy

PRINCIPLE: “When fear sets in, retreat.”
I was, admittedly, scared. It was a typical opening to the school day – as the doors to my Junior High School opened, there was an instant mass of students in the entry foyer. Shoulder to shoulder, hollering morning greetings to friends, squeezing and pushing our way to our lockers – everything was routine. Until – big Randy hollered from across the foyer. Big Randy was tall, very tall – so tall he could see over the sea of humanity and spot me. Big Randy wasn’t often mean, but could be if he chose to be. He and I hung in different crowds. Big Randy and his crowd frequently got into trouble; my crowd did not.
And therein was the problem. Big Randy had been to juvenile court, and had apparently appeared before the judge, who happened to be my father. And Big Randy wasn’t happy about it. Now he was calling to me from across the foyer. Somehow I knew it wasn’t to thank me for having a wonderful father! At the sound of his voice I knew I could be in trouble. I wasn’t a fighter, I didn’t like conflict, and Big Randy was ready for both. The only thing separating us was a sea of fellow students. In an instant I was scared.
But before I could even decide what to do Pat, a friend of mine who got along fairly well with Big Randy, moved over to Big Randy and said something – I think he reminded him that his problem was not me and that the momentary pleasure he might have in confronting me would be short-lived because he’d only have to see my father again. But whatever Pat said worked – Randy backed off and it was over.
I didn’t realize it at the time, but Pat was my refuge – he protected me in the time of trouble. In the Old Testament we find that God established cities of refuge for people accused of murder but who might be innocent. In a city of refuge they would be safe. When filled with the fear of being caught and condemned, they could run to refuge. “When fear sets in, retreat.” In that context, Ps. 46:1-3  takes on significant meaning. God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.” God is our refuge and strength. “When fear sets in, retreat.”
It’s worth noting that the phrase “an ever present help” can be translated “God lets himself be found in trouble.” We don’t need to look for God or wonder where He is – when trouble comes He’ll let Himself be found. Verse 7 reinforces the concept: “The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.” So “When fear sets in, retreat.” Ps. 91 states it beautifully (1-12 CEV). “Live under the protection of God Most High and stay in the shadow of God All-Powerful. Then you will say to the Lord, “You are my fortress, my place of safety; you are my God, and I trust you.” The Lord will keep you safe from secret traps and deadly diseases. He will spread his wings over you and keep you secure. His faithfulness is like a shield or a city wall. You won’t need to worry about dangers at night or arrows during the day. And you won’t fear diseases that strike in the dark or sudden disaster at noon. You will not be harmed, though thousands fall all around you. And with your own eyes you will see the punishment of the wicked. The Lord Most High is your fortress. Run to him for safety, and no terrible disasters will strike you or your home. God will command his angels to protect you wherever you go. They will carry you in their arms, and you won’t hurt your feet on the stones.”
Whatever your fear, whatever is threatening you, whenever your Big Randy appears, whenever your world seems to be falling apart: remember who and whose you are. Don’t fight, don’t run, don’t panic – “When fear sets in, retreat.” God is waiting to be found; He’s waiting to help; He’s got you covered. “When fear sets in, retreat.” And nothing, no one, anywhere, anytime, anyplace can ever separate you from His love made known to us through Jesus Christ our Lord.

The Roundhouse

PRINCIPLE: “When you’re stopped in your tracks, remember the roundhouse.”
I grew up in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Among my many fond memories are the times we drove past an old roundhouse. A roundhouse was a large round building that was built at the end of a section of railroad tracks. When a train had reached the end of its tracks, the end of its journey, it would go into the roundhouse where the tracks would pivot and turn the engine around. Then it could go back in the opposite direction. For some reason, I was fascinated by the concept. But little did I realize that this roundhouse would eventually become a symbol for my Christian life.
Turning around means to repent, to get in the roundhouse and change directions.  While we most often think of repentance as seeking forgiveness – which is one of its meanings – it’s important to remember that at heart it means to change direction. Think about the message of John the Baptist (Mt. 3:1-2 CEV): “Years later, John the Baptist started preaching in the desert of Judea. He said, “Turn back to God! The kingdom of heaven will soon be here.” “The Message” translates verse 2: “Change your life. God’s kingdom is here.” “When you’re stopped in your tracks, remember the roundhouse.”
I now realize how many times in my life I came to the end of the tracks only to have God lead me to repent, to turn around and head somewhere else – somewhere He wanted me to go. When I entered college I was a music major; by the end of my freshman year I was headed for the ministry. When I headed home for the summer following that freshman year, I had a fairly serious relationship with a girl who was a fellow student; within a matter of weeks she cut off the relationship and I had met Barb, my current wife. When I graduated from seminary I was offered the opportunity to serve in an exciting young church where we could be near parents and in-laws; I wound up in a well established, traditional, exciting church northwest Iowa. I once said I doubted I would ever serve in Michigan; I’ve served in Michigan for over 30 years. I also said I would certainly never serve in my home town of Kalamazoo – not because I didn’t like Kalamazoo but because people just don’t serve in their hometowns; I served 81/2 years in Kalamazoo. And there are so many more visits to the roundhouse in my life. But get the picture? Time and time again I came to the end of my tracks and God put me in His roundhouse and turned me around, back to Him.
The roundhouse experiences of my life simply prove God’s truth once again: “We make our own plans, but the LORD decides where we will go.” (Prov. 16:9 CEV) “The Lord directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way?” (Prov. 20:24 NLT) “I know, Lord, that our lives are not our own. We are not able to plan our own course.” (Jer. 10:23 NLT) I’m glad this is true – though I still may not understand all the reasons and times God has put me in the roundhouse, I can honestly say that not once did I regret repenting. Whenever I have turned back to His way it has been good and right. No wonder Isaiah prophesied, “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength…” (Is. 30:15) I am trying to be more sensitive to those times when I’m nearing the ends of the tracks, headed the wrong way – because I’m still learning the importance and beauty of “When you’re stopped in your tracks, remember the roundhouse.”
Perhaps you’ve reached an impasse in your life; maybe your life has become dull and routine; it could be that you’re sensing that your life has lost is meaning; or it’s possible you’re traveling along at a rapid pace and haven’t even thought about the direction you’re heading. Whatever the case, pause for a while and examine your life. Ask God for discernment. Eugene Peterson, in “The Message” translates Jeremiah 10:23, “I know, God, that mere mortals can’t run their own lives, that men and women don’t have what it takes to take charge of life. So correct us, God, as you see best.” Make that your prayer – today and every day. It’s a whole lot easier to spot the roundhouse coming at the end of tracks than to go crashing into it. Perhaps the principle should be “When – or before – you’re stopped in your tracks, remember the roundhouse.” Correct us, God, as you see best.

The Sting

PRINCIPLE: “When you get stung, remember the sting.”
I enjoy mowing our yard and taking care of the lawn – as much as time allows me to do so. The trimming I could do without but it’s part of the job. So I do it. I say that because on two separate occasions, while trimming around the ditches by the road, I have been attacked and stung by bees that were nesting in a whole hidden by the tall grass. That’s no fun!  But I have learned some things from those stings.
One, of course, is to look carefully, and often, for signs of the bees and the holes. But beyond that there are at least two spiritual lessons. One is that I take some comfort in the fact that once a bee has stung me it will not sting anyone else. A bee can only sting once. Remember what Paul said in his great resurrection treatise in 1 Corinthians 15:55? “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?”  Since death stung Jesus it cannot sting again! Its sting is gone. “But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (15:57) Nothing in this life or this world can harm us. There is nothing in heaven or on earth or under the earth that can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord! So “When you get stung, remember the sting.” It may not ease the pain but at least it will give you consolation that you’ve just saved someone else from the pain; and more importantly it will remind you of Christ’s victory over death.
Yet there’s a second lesson here also. The bee gives its life to save other bees from potential harm. It gives its all to sting the enemy. I wonder if I am always willing to give my all to sting the enemy? Am I willing to lay down my life, even to die, to protect others from the pull and power and destruction of Satan? How deeply committed am I to spreading the Gospel, to sharing the good news of salvation? How concerned am I about those who are lost? What about you? “When you get stung, remember the sting.”
God has given us a stinger – His name is Jesus. Through His victory we can sting the enemy, not just once but over and over again. And how do we do that? Paul concluded (58) “Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” Paul’s not talking about being dramatic, or even doing some major deed or work. Rather he tells us to do it day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute. That kind of firmness and perseverance will sting the enemy time and time again. As The Message beautifully translates this verse: “With all this going for us, my dear, dear friends, stand your ground. And don’t hold back. Throw yourselves into the work of the Master, confident that nothing you do for him is a waste of time or effort.” Day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute nothing we do for him is a waste of time or effort. We know, because of Jesus Christ’s sting.
Have you been stung lately? Whether  stung by a bee literally, or stung by the words or actions of someone else, or by life itself, “When you get stung, remember the sting.” Then give yourself fully to the work of the Lord.

A Lesson from the Flowers

PRINCIPLE: “When you wake up, open up.”
Every evening many of our flowers close up, as if retiring for the night. Every morning they open up, as if getting ready for the day. On the surface, it appears that God made them that way – which, of course, He did. But there’s a deeper truth in this divine routine. The flowers open up because of the sunlight and only open to their fullest when the sun is shining. For all my years of living, I have known this. But only today have I learned yet another lesson – “When you wake up, open up.”
E. Glenn Hinson wrote, “Prayer…is opening like a flower opening to the morning sunshine to allow God’s love energies to flow into your inner chamber. You may know that many flowers close up at night, folding their petals in. When it begins to become daylight, they open just a little. Then as the sun’s rays strike them, they open a little more and a little more until they’re wide open.”[i] “When you wake up, open up.” Once again the rhythm God created into nature is intended for us as well. Just as God, for example, created the 7th day and the 7th year as times of rest, we know we, too, need the rest built into our lives as well. So it is with the opening and closing of the flowers – we need to get into the rhythm of closing up at night and opening up in the morning to once again receive His sunlight for the new day. “When you wake up, open up.”
Hinson continues, “’God is love…’ Theologically, you must say, God’s love energies brought the world into being. God’s love energies sustain the world. God’s love energies are directing the world toward some meaningful end. And the same love energies are constantly pouring out on you.”[ii] I need those divine energies each day! And they are available every morning – but I must open up, even if just a little, to let the sunshine in. If I do not, I will live the day in darkness, without divine energy, and not be the beautiful flower God intends and created me to be. “When you wake up, open up.”
Maybe the little children’s chorus from so many years ago (dating myself again!) had it right. “So let the sunshine in, face it with a grin, open up your heart and let the sunshine in!” “When you wake up, open up.”
Will you join me in a renewed commitment to begin each day by taking a moment to greet and thank God, and thereby open our hearts to let the sunshine in? Just imagine how beautiful and full-bloomed your life will be each day! “When you wake up, open up.”

[i] E Glenn Hinson, from Spiritual Preparation for Christian Leadership, quote in A Guide to Prayer for All Who Seek God,  Upper Room Books, Nashville, 2006, p. 326

[ii] Ibid

Computer Cofee

PRINCIPLE: “When you’re mad at your computer, remember your coffee.”
Technology – can’t live with it but can’t live without it! It’s great when it works but when it doesn’t, well…my pastoral vocabulary isn’t adequate to describe the frustration. Perhaps you’ve been there. Recently I was working on my computer and it was one of those days when it was running slow – very slow – slower than molasses – slower than a sumo wrestler in the 100 meters. Get the idea? I didn’t know why, and really didn’t care why – I just wanted it to run at normal speed. Finally, in frustration – no, make that in anger – I slammed my fist on the desk as I cried out “Come on! Give me a break here!” – or something like that. And as my fist hit the desk it also hit my coffee mug and tipped it over. Coffee everywhere but in the mug. I didn’t want to admit it but it served me right. I knew immediately that “When you’re mad at your computer, remember your coffee.”
Anger is a dangerous emotion – and loss of anger seldom, if ever, results in anything good. As Paul wrote (Eph. 4:26-27 NLT) “And “don’t sin by letting anger control you.” Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry for anger gives a foothold to the devil.” Anger is sometimes okay but how we process it is the key. Hitting my fist on the desk was a sign that I was letting anger control me. Sure, it harmed no one but me. But the frightening thought is, if the state of my computer can fill me with anger and sin, how close am I to letting my feelings towards others do the same? And then the damage is not so minimal. Paul understood this. That’s why he continued (30) “And do not bring sorrow to God’s Holy Spirit by the way you live… Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior…” Once the devil sees anger, he jumps in and tries to take over. James wrote (1:19-20) “Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters… Human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires.” I let a stupid computer control me – the devil had a foothold and he loved it. I was not very righteous. “When you’re mad at your computer, remember your coffee.”
Moving forward, I have resolved to try to remember this when I sense the anger rising within me. Fortunately, I do not have to do it all by myself. It’s more than just remembering “When you’re mad at your computer, remember your coffee.” Listen to the advice of James and Paul: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry…Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you…” As God in Christ forgave me! God should be so angry with me – He has a million reasons to be. But in Jesus He forgave me – once for all, forever. How can I, then, unleash anger towards another? Let my quickness be to listen and my slowness be to respond. And how can I help this happen? Be kind to those who stir my anger, tenderhearted towards those who oppose me, and forgiving to those who offend me. The Holy Spirit is ever present to help me. A quick prayer to Him is all it takes.
So perhaps I should change the principle to “When you’re mad at your computer, remember to pray.” Not a bad idea. But then, it just doesn’t sound so dramatic. So for now I’ll stick with this: “When you’re mad at your computer, remember your coffee.” Besides, every time I drink coffee I’ll remember my computer anger – and that will remind me to pray. In fact, how different would I be if with every cup of coffee I drink, I asked the Holy Spirit to pour into me His kindness, tender heartedness, and forgiveness? Quite different, I’m sure! “When you’re mad at your computer, remember your coffee.”   

So So

PRINCIPLE: “When life is just sow sow, just sow sow.”
I was in the sixth grade (in those days that was still elementary school). I was part of the safety patrol – responsible at an intersection for making sure no students crossed the street until it was clear to do so. One day, a much younger boy fell right near my corner. So I helped him up made sure he was okay, which he was. Shortly thereafter I ran for Mayor of the school. My mother told me that another mother had shared with her that her son had voted for me because I had been so nice to him the day he fell. It, of course, made my mother feel some pride – and I was always happy when that happened! But I remember thinking that it was really nothing special that I did, and wondered if it wasn’t something that anyone would have done. Little did I realize at that time a couple of lessons. One – not everyone would have helped. Two – I had experienced the divine law of reciprocity. Both lessons would be reinforced many, many times throughout my life.
It was many years later when I recognized the divine nature of my actions. Paul said it more than once, but most clearly in Galatians 6:7-10 – “A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we will not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.” Paul mentioned the same principle in 2 Cor. 9:6 in regards to giving. Whether it’s in giving, or in praying, or in loving, or in our relationships what we sow, we reap. Even if we do not see it right away, God will reciprocate – it’s His promise.
I admit that sometimes, in fact, I get tired of sowing all the time and begin to feel as if there is no return. After all constant sowing can be boring and not all that exciting. But since it’s a promise of God, “When life is just sow sow, just sow sow.” Even if I never see the return in this life, I will in eternity. Then again, when I stop the self-pity routine and examine my life, I begin to see again the blessings God has poured into my life. He, like my little fellow student, votes for me in a myriad of ways through the blessings He sends – and I know there are many blessings I will never realize until that great and glorious day! In fact, I shudder to think of life without the blessings. I’m convinced that the saddest people, and some of the most depressed, are those who are not sowing. So their lives their lives are just so so – lacking in blessing and joy. So we all have a choice – we can live so so lives or sow sow lives; it all depends on what we want out of life. “When life is just sow sow, just sow sow.”
But I’ve discovered something else about the sow sow life. Once we begin to sow it becomes a habit, a pattern, a life-style. Without realizing it we are soon sowing into others lives not because we want a return but because it’s what we were created to do; therefore we feel a sense of inner peace and joy, a sense of fulfillment whenever we sow. And really, that’s blessing enough. Come to think of it, that’s when we’re most like Christ. No wonder it’s enough. So – will your life be so so or sow sow? Remember, what you sow, you reap.

The Danger of Praise

PRINCIPLE: “When singing praises, look up.”
Last week I mentioned that I once worked for a furniture store. I once received permission from the owner to borrow the store truck to move some furniture from my in-laws home to ours. I hopped in the truck and headed down the street to their home, and since it had been a good day I was softly singing praises as I drove. Still singing I turned into and headed up their driveway – only to run into a low overhanging roof that stopped the truck dead and punctured a hole in the truck’s box. Not cool!
I thought about the incident recently and it occurred to me that the problem was not necessarily my singing praises – it was the location of me eyes while I was singing. The singing led me to be far too casual and therefore to lose the concentration one should have when driving. In fact, if I had looked up just once as I entered the new territory of the driveway, I would have been okay. But getting lost in praise led me to lose perspective.
Singing praises, therefore, can be a problem. Far too often we are more focused on the act of praising than we are on whom we’re praising. So “When singing praises, look up.” Only when we look up do we see the focus of our praise and avoid catastrophes. We might be praising another person – not bad in itself – but shouldn’t our real praise be for the God who created that person and brought him or her into our lives? “When singing praises, look up.” We might be praising some beautiful scenery – but shouldn’t our real praise be for the God who created that scenery? “When singing praises, look up.” Sometimes we even end up praising ourselves – then it’s really true: “When singing praises, look up.” Or it’s possible we’re singing in church or elsewhere and are sincerely praising the Lord, so much so that we get lost in the act, emotions, and mechanics of praising – only to lose sight of the Lord we ae are working so hard to  praise. So “When singing praises, look up.”
Catch the spirit of the Psalmist (103): “Let all that I am praise the Lord; with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name. Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me. He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. He redeems me from death and crowns me with love and tender mercies. He fills my life with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagle’s! The Lord gives righteousness and justice to all who are treated unfairly…The Lord is compassionate and merciful, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. He will not constantly accuse us, nor remain angry forever. He does not punish us for all our sins; he does not deal harshly with us, as we deserve. For his unfailing love toward those who fear him is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth. He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west. The Lord is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him… But the love of the Lord remains forever with those who fear him. His salvation extends to the children’s children of those who are faithful to his covenant, of those who obey his commandments! … Let all that I am praise the Lord.” He does not say how to praise – the accent is on whom to praise. I have a hunch that the Psalmist, when he sang God’s praises, looked not down at his feet but up to the heavens. “When singing praises, look up.”
Come to think of it, there is one time when it’s all right to get lost in praise. Charles Wesley captured it:[1]
“Finish then Thy new creation, Pure and spotless let us be; Let us see They great salvation Perfectly restored in Thee: Changed from glory into glory, Till in heav’n we take our place, Till we cast our crowns before Thee, Lost in wonder, love and praise!” Then we won’t need to look up – we’ll be looking at Him face to face! But until then, “When singing praises, look up.”

[1] “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling”

Making Sure

PRINCIPLE: “When you want to be sure, check with the owner.”

While in seminary I worked part-time at a wonderful furniture store. Often I made deliveries. But I did spend time on the floor helping customers – especially on weekends when traffic was heavier. I enjoyed the people contact, but was always a little uneasy because I wasn’t really a furniture expert or salesman. I had no problems answering questions about smaller items, like lamps or small end tables (or candles or candy from the little gift shop that was part of the store). But when it came to bigger ticket items – like couches, bedroom suites, grandfather clocks – I didn’t feel real adequate. I didn’t know enough to answer all their questions, which of course, was necessary in making sales. So I would greet customers and offer to help, and would do so until such a question arose. Then I would politely tell them the owner would meet with them as soon as he was free. That’s when I began to believe in the simple principle “When you want to be sure, check with the owner.”
Now, many years later, I realize this is an important principle for life as well. So many times I do not have an answer for a question, or advice for a problem, or direction for a situation. I have learned, the hard way, that “When you want to be sure, check with the owner.” If I’m driving a rental car and it has a problem, I call the owner – They own the car and it’s their decision that counts. If the plumber finds a problem with our drain, before he fixes it he gives us the information and asks us if we want him to proceed.  As the owners, it’s our responsibility to make the call. That’s why Paul wrote that “You are not your own; you were bought at a price.” (1 Cor. 6:19-20) When faced with a question, or a problem, or a situation it is only wise to check with the owner so we can do what He wants us to do. Wise obedience is the only way to be sure and right.
But while it’s possible that an owner knows little about his possession (I own some things I know little about!) Paul is talking about an owner knows what He has. Consider Paul’s frame of reference – certainly he knew the Psalmist’s words (139:13-16 MSG):“Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother’s womb. I thank you, High God—you’re breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made! I worship in adoration—what a creation! You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something. Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you, the days of my life all prepared before I’d even lived one day.” Our owner is our creator! He knows us inside and out. Her knows what makes us tick. He knows what it takes for us to be whole and healthy. He knows what brings us into peace. And He loves us so deeply that when we were lost He paid the price to purchase us back. And He so deeply desires that we live in wholeness and health that He wants us to check in with him. “When you want to be sure, check with the owner.”
Perhaps you’re wrestling with a question. Or maybe you’re struggling to solve a problem. Possibly you’re searching for direction. “When you want to be sure, check with the owner.” It’s the wisest choice you can make. This might be the best reason when waking up each morning to declare, I am not my own, but belong body and soul, in life and in death to my faithful Savior, Jesus Christ. Christ has fully paid for all my sins with his precious blood, and has set me free from all the power of the devil. He also watches over me in such a way that not a hair can fall from my head without the will of my Father in heaven; in fact, all things must work together for my salvation. Because I belong to him, Christ, by his Holy Spirit assures me of eternal life and makes me wholeheartedly willing and ready from now on to live for him.”

Remember Your Pin

PRINCIPLE: “When you’re going round and round, getting nowhere, remember your pin.”
The van was new, just a few weeks old. It was an Econoline Van, perfect for our family of five, for anticipated years of hauling stuff to and from the college campus, and for pulling our camping trailer. We were loving it. Early one Sunday morning I drove up 131 from Kentwood (where we lived) to our church near downtown Grand Rapids – a trip I made numerous times each week. I pulled into the parking lot of the church and started to back into a parking space. I turned the steering wheel to straighten in between the lines and nothing happened. In fact, the steering wheel just kept going round and round. It was impossible to turn. I just backed in as best I could and went about the business of Sunday morning. After church I rode home with Barb in our other car. Monday I called the car dealership and the van was towed for repair.
The verdict? One of the main pins that held the steering column to the axles was missing. In fact, it appeared it had never been put in – which means we had been driving it around all those weeks with no pin. It was a miracle things held together all those miles on the highway in the middle of rush hour. It made for some scary thoughts as we considered all the possible scenarios of what could have happened. We were convinced that with the pin gone, God held it all together. He was the pin.
I realize now that God was teaching us a lesson: “When you’re going round and round, getting nowhere, remember your pin.” I shudder to think how many times in my life I went round and round and getting nowhere. If only I had stopped and remembered my pin, the One who holds it all together. The apostle Paul put it poignantly in Colossians 1:16-17. “For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” Jesus Christ is the pin that holds everything together. Only in Him can I steer safely through life. So “When you’re going round and round, getting nowhere, remember your pin.”
I invite you today to pray. “Lord Jesus Christ, it is important that we focus on you, for our lives spring from and revolve around You. This is good because in You all things hold together.
Sometimes we feel our personal world and life is falling apart – but in You all things hold together. You work all things together for good for those who love You.
Sometimes we feel lost, confused by all the directions and lures of the world around us – but in You all things hold together. You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Sometimes we feel all alone – but in You all things hold together. You have promised that You will never leave us or forsake; You will not leaves us as orphans.
Sometimes we hurriedly go round and round, getting nowhere fast. But in You all things hold together. You are the pin that keeps the steering wheel of our lives intact and functioning correctly and safely.
Sometimes we feel unloved – but in You all things hold together. You so loved us that You died for us.
Sometimes we feel abused – but in You all things hold together. For our sakes you were despised and rejected.
Sometimes we are ill, in body, mind, or soul – but in You all things hold together. By your stripes we have been healed.
Thank you, Lord, for pinning my life together. Amen.”
“When you’re going round and round, getting nowhere, remember your pin.”